Per circa 70 taralli / Circa 70 pieces
Pronti in 2 ore / Ready in 2H
500 gr all.purpose flour
160 gr olive oil
30 gr extra-virgin olive oil
220 gr dfry white wine
1 tsp salt
If you like: ground dry chili pepper
Mix all ingredients in a bowl, if the dough is too hard add a bit of extra wine. Set aside for 1H at least.
Bring a big casserole full of water to boil. Add 1 tbs of salt. Pre-heat oven to 190° C.
Take some dough (the size of a walnut) and roll it into your hands, now create the ring and put your finger into the hole to make sure there is enough room (they tend to puff when they cook).
Plunge the taralli into the boiling water and pull them out once they come to the surface. PLace them on a dry cloth to drain the exceeding water.
Now place them on a dripping pan and bake them for 20 minutes or until golden brown (they should be hard and dry inside).